Monday, June 28, 2010


Yeah I get it, it's a big mighty mouse, but hell I have reason to sing in a deep voice like i am fronting the line of a great marching band...why you ask...because I got the gig! I got the cash flow, I got the luggage, I got it all and I am going officially, officially introduce to you the new and improved Ms. Italianooooooo!!!!! Yup you guessed it boys and girls, clean out your fridge, sock drawer and braid your hair because we are going to Italy!!!

I know it's been a bit, and hell have I been hearing it, but I'm back, i'm back and I'm bad, bad to the bone because hello I'm in Italy mode now, too much of a snob, hell---o I am Italian you know, like my whole family is, well like half, well like a quarter, whatever I know things and am excited to be busting my but over to good old Florence!

So let me recap a bit, due to my absent-tee-ness! So finals, yea yea yea blah blah blah, drained me from life. Literally cut off all communication with the outside world and hiberating in the flea infested library and studied by beegeezes brains out. everything went well and was successful, glad to hear yes i know (insert bowing noise here). So since my great departure from university I have been well, enjoying my summer.....NOT...I've been working. I don' t think it was until this past week that I had two days off in a row since finals! I dont' count time off for exams as time off, so let's just say maybe since christmas. So yea you can imagine what i didn't do on those two days. (run around like a crazy woman, making lists, reading as many non-educational fluff books, crosswording, making lists of playdates and dinner dates and shopping dates and target runs....I was doing all that I possibly could and then i passed out)

so needless to say it's been eventful. now I hope to color my italy 2010, sounds a little will & grace, "just jack" but yea color my blog with lists for packing, the incredible stock of macaroni I have to consume before I move and how to properly pack my life in just one month. it should be interesting I am sure. I hope to include all the photos, pending my new purchase of a brand spanking new camera I am sure (maybe the 'rents will follow thru) and will chronical as much if not everything possilbe in the great city abroad and my journey preparing to get there.

so until i get another five minutes to breathe, maybe later tonight, I worked the morning shift, then I will be in touch and hope to return with many stories about my adventures preparing for this journey. ENjoy the sunshine!!!

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