Monday, April 26, 2010

A day without dumbbells is like a day without Sunshine!

No lie, this is the phrase of the week! I was at the gym this weekend and heard a trainer yell this through the gym. Really? Well for all of you folks who don't know that my nickname is Sunshine, I thought it was cute. But as I was doing my squats and counting the minutes until I get to leave the gym, I started to think about all of it: the semester ending, moving, my sister's wedding, packing!! organizing! (thankfully I have a bntf who lives to organize) and hello did I mention moving to Italy for the remainder of the year!! It's alot and I think a little bit of the reality is finally catching up to me. Back in the days before I moved to Reno, I do not know how I did it, how did I think I could move my life across the United States and live a fruitful existance?? I had no fear, no worries no hesitation. Dont' get me wrong, I am totally embracing the change and the scenery to be Italy, I mean does it get any better, but what is catching up to me is the whole culmination of it all. I don't know how to process it all. Do i do a little italian jig and pack my favorite sandals and hair ties to sit in the tuscan sun and absorb all the culture I possibly can? OR do I sit patiently waiting until my plane lands and have it dawn on me just then that I can't run down the street to share my gelato with my fav and sit and sob over my yummy italian ice cream and countdown the minutes until I return to the states???? What's a girl to do!!!!!


Do it all, pack and organize every minute I get now, day dream about italian men, gelato, pasta, italian clothes lines (b/c p.s. they don't believe in dryers) and my Italian husband i am going to meet, the sites I will see, the messy hair, quick jaunts to the square for fresh veggies, hours under the sun picking olives during harvest and taking a moment amongst the trees while atop of my ladder to sit and say "wow I really am doing this" "this is really my life right now!" I think this sounds much better like the more delicious channel perhaps.

I do recall when I was in Reno what helped me to pass the time when I did get homesick, it was the stories and reunions and plans to eat, play and gossip with my fav's and family. Beign able to imagine me at home telling them about my many stories and pictures and foods and all of it, picturing my fav's and getting to see them again after being away for a short while, that's what helped me to continue to embrace the change and live excited about what the day would bring.

so all in all, it really isn't a day without sunshine ever, i mean i am always gonna be around, i just might be in italy for a minute, but rest assured there will be loads of stories, good times and delicious experiences to share when I return, this just this is what makes me excited for my journey!!!


  1. Okay - so now all I will be picturing the whole time that you are in beautiful Italy - is you perched on top of a ladder in an olive tree - picking olives with messy hair!!(I have to see a picture of that when you get back).
    You are too funny! Ciao - Tia Carola.

  2. Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites
