Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Italy! Is it possible?

Hello! Sarah here, florencegirl, beginning the journey, well four days late to beginning my journey but none-the-less, beginning the journey towards changing my life. I got accepted this passed weekend to a Study Abroad program in Florence Italy. I will be living in Italy for four months this coming Fall semester. I am a full time student and full time worker in the world of food service. I want to document my journey and all that leads up to it to track my experiences, challenges, stressors, and small anecdotal moments that pop into my head about my fast approaching experience.

Here I am, in case you are beyond the two friends and three family members that will read this, I will tell you who I am and what's my deal. My name is Sarah, I am studying to become a registered dietitian. I have had a long journey in school and have come upon this idealic opportunity to study abroad in a small country called italy. The program is for sustainable agriculture based around the mediterrean diet and all it's worth. I am thrilled and looking forward to this experience a great deal. I have seen the julie/julia blog and was inspired to write my own story, because additionaly I am a writer, yes I know, no way!! but really it's true and I am hoping that in some way shape or form, italy does something to my writing.

okay so for real, this is a documentation of the journey i will be taking from last saturday until my fateful return from florence. I hope that this blog brings you lots of entertainment and lots of hope, i am hoping it does both for me. so hang on because here comes the swan dive into the commitment of italy and whatever it shall bring me....1....2......3.....here it gooooooooeeeeesssssssss *splash*


  1. Cara nipote Sarah,
    Ameremmo accompagnarli sulla vostra odissea Italiana. Goda prego del vino e del paesaggio magnifico. Amerete Firenze!
    Zio Ted e Zia Micky

  2. Italian men love American women. This could be quite an adventure. Looking forward to reading your blog.
    Uncle Ted
