Thursday, September 30, 2010

While the bird cooks....

Well hello there, so why my bird cooks and I wait patiently for a hot meal, I will then inform you about my past excursions last weekend to the one and only Venice!

So much to tell and many pictures to include.  So first off, it was right out of a movie, we book tickets at 8:28 am, for a 8:35 am departing train.  We literally, "HOME ALONE" it and run through the airport (really train station in my world) and board the train fast fast.  Because we are taking the "slow" train option, which most students typically do because of saving money, we are not guaranteed seats.  So we meander a bit, the group of us, and find some seats where at least two of us can sit together. We find seats and try and get comfortable on slow, yet snug train that apparently stops everywhere because everyone in Firenze in on it.  First stop, Bologna, and of course the two seats me and another girl traveling alongside me are in, are the ones of the polish grandmothers that just boarded here in Bologna, we must move.  So we stand in the hall way of the train, where low and behold there are seats that fold out of the wall, no lie, like are like half a circle, if you have a butt small enough to get on them, you sit against the walls of the train, dirty, yes, tight quarters, yes, feel every move of the train, YES!  Then of course what's a train without snacks and cappuccino for our lovely Italians!  A woman with a cart the size of the aisle begins to come down the aisle.  Now at this point it's been like 45 minutes and i'm barely on the fold out moon seat, amongst the 800 people that are also standing in the hallway of the train because they too save money and have no seats, and this woman insists on serving drinks, mind you HOT coffee, to the passengers.  It was ridiculous, needless to say we opted for the nice, quick, cleaner, fast train for the ride home!

So Venice, what a lagoon.  Due to recent rains that weekend there was some flooding near Saint Mark's and there was water and ramps for people to walk on to avoid the knee deep water.  People were, no lie, frolicking in it.  You cannot imagine. First off know how dirty the streets here are in Firenze, never mind Italy in general, nevermind a touristy place like Venice, and with all the pigeons and the lagoon water, I think I will not be splashing and ballerina dancing in the water....uhh no.  So back to the pretty...

So the gondola's were amazing, huge, but amazing.  They were quite expensive and the Venitians caught on that if it's 100 euro for a half an hour and 2 want to ride, well let's get six to split it and then it wont be so much, no no no, the more passengers the double the price.  It was like tourist heaven.  So no ride for me.  Shopping on the other hand that I did plenty of.  Got some new jewels and even found me a bracelet that fits the ankle of an infant, finally something to fit my wrist, and it's cute.  Bought a t-shirt for the grandmother and a few trinkets to bring back with me.  It was a gorgeous day, it called for rain and clouds, but it was 75 and sunny!  Perfect.  Pomodoro and mozzarella calzone in hand and shopping bag of jewels in the other.  Doesn't get any better.

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