Thursday, September 23, 2010

So I've been Florence!

Yes my fellow followers, I know it has been quite some time but I assure you I am here with updates. So let me recap my weekend of last for you. Plans to Rome did not work out so I made do with the scenery and was able to make much headway on my Italian, travels through the city and much needed connecting with the things that I love so very much!

First my Friday, the day for Rome, was spent trying to decipher Italian/English conversation with University of Firenze students with my friend Michael. We tried to attend and kept getting sent in the wrong direction and in the end we just settled for a cornetto! Following my travels from the university I found me a hair salon and was able to make me an appointment for a haircut! I was so excited, you have no idea what hard water does to your hair and I was very impressed with the outcome. I just got a slight trim but was very impressed with the 30min shampoo and condition, 30 minute haircut followed by 30 min of blowdrying my head. It was like a spa, and best of al I did it all in Italian. Some of the people in the shop spoke English but I insisted that they speak only Italian to me.

After my fantastic blow dry I am heading to La Spada, my favorite restaurant in Firenze, I order all in Italian and get me a primi, secondo and enjoy every bit of my meal. I was so impressed with myself it was great. The wait Guisseppe, knows me by name in their and again insists on speaking english, but I am like "no no no, solomente parle italiano!"

Some retail therapy on the way home to end my day and life is good.

Saturday arrives and I am full of hope because I am on my way to my first Italian yoga class. I find it very easily, it is a short walk from my apartment. It is very calming and very quiet, I immediately feel at home. The studio reminded me of the many studios in Kripalu so I felt right at home, loved it. Upon meeting the instructor, she tells me she will speak in Italian and english, but half way through she stays only with Italian and I find it very easy to undertstand.

Boat pose, cat pose, a little mountain and I'm better. Posture and hips are aligned and I can walk down the streets much more comfortably now. I am looking forward to attending as much as possible. I love that I found yoga in Italy!

Sunday morning bright and early, skype session with the bff over breakfast and I am on my way to church! Again, loving that I have energy, time, desire to get in my sunday best and trot off to church before I stop at the market for produce and goodies.

Life is grand here in Firenze! I am glad that Rome didn't work out in the end because what an experience all of this was for me. I loved the challenge of it all but in the end it was easier to explore in Italy.

So hold on to your seats kids because this was the boring part of my weekend, there is much more to come!!!

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